Tuesday 8 Jun 2021

June 8: Matthew 5:21-24
Key Verse: Matthew 5:24
leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.
Talking about facing the music... what do you feel like when you get angry with something or someone? How does it make you feel about yourself? Too often we get caught up in the heated discussions or arguments and we lose sight of what we should be doing or what we are doing to God and to our neighbours!
The more we get caught up in the heat of the moment, the more we lose sight on what is important, focusing on the little things which grow into big things which stop us from achieving our goals. God does not want us to lose sight of how we affect the people around us; Jesus taught the disciples to be mindful of the people around at all times and to love them as much as you love yourself... which means you have to start loving yourself before you can get very far!
To love yourself you have to let go of the things which are holding you back – typically the things which we have lost control to and which have started to take over our lives instead of releasing us from the burdens. Jesus also taught the disciples to bring all their burdens to Him so He could help to lighten the load; the same is true for us!
If we have something which is disturbing our hearts and minds, then we need to bring it to God and release it before we can move forward in the way God wants us to. What are the things which hold us back – well, mostly the strife from the arguments we have had and not let go of. God wants us to set them aside and allow Him to guide us forward in our lives and in our love.
Points to Ponder:
What is holding you back today?
Will you bring it to God and allow Him to lighten your load?