Wednesday 9 Jun 2021

June 9: Mark 4:1-9
Key Verse: Mark 4:9
Then Jesus said, ‘Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear.’
Have you ever doubted whether you could tell people about Jesus, or how you would get muddled up when you tried, or how you would get asked a question you couldn’t answer... These are the doubts the evil one is putting in your head! He does not want you to go round telling people the truth about Christ otherwise they will know he has already lost the battle!
We are like the farmer in this parable, sowing seeds - I.e. talking about Christ. When the farmer sows the seeds, he does not spend hours trying to ensure ever seeds gets placed in the correct position so it has the very best chance of germinating – he throws them all over the place and depends on God to get the seeds to germinate correctly. This is how we need to tell people about God. We need to tell anyone who is willing to listen and allow God to get those words to germinate in their hearts.
This does mean we are going to talk to more people than those who will accept Christ into their lives; we are going to spread our seeds all over the place and not try to place the words exactly where they should be heard and in the perfect order in the most eloquent sentences! We talk what we know and we talk from our hearts; we talk to everyone and allow others to overhear what we say – because we don’t know who will be the ones who listen and take those words into their hearts!
I know I have tried to do things right and fallen flat on my face in the past. But when I have opened up the floor and allowed God to not just guide me, but to talk to others as I spout words I think make sense... It is God who will allow the right people to make sense out of the ramblings which come out of my mouth!
Points to Ponder:
Are you trying too hard to say teach the gospel perfectly?
Will you allow God to take your words and touch people’s hearts?