Monday 12 Jul 2021

July 12: Mark 6:14-16
Key Verse: Mark 6:16
But when Herod heard this, he said, ‘John, whom I beheaded, has been raised from the dead!’
How many times have you heard a short passage from the bible and recalled what you thought was important rather than listening to the actual words being spoken? I know I have drifted away many times in church because I have thought I knew the passage – but the more we read the bible and think about the words we are reading, the more we will learn about God and about us.
Jesus was becoming a bit of a talking point. Many people knew about Him and many could probably tell you a story about Him which they had heard before or from someone else. People were talking! But when people talk, the truth is not always passed on – we tend to embellish on the story to suit our own wants or we change things a bit to make it more exciting!
When Herod heard the stories, he even extended the truth a bit in how he retold it! We all get caught up in the heat of the moment and we all tend to say things which may not be the exact truth, or we leave out key parts so the story sounds better! This is our human nature – one which Jesus had to face and fight every day He was here with us.
When we tell stories, we have to stand by what we say because people are going to expect us to uphold our word! So we should be very careful how we tell people stories or we may end up having to extend the truth, hide facts or make things worse because we have to cover up an untruth we have told before – things just keep getting worse and pilling up on our shoulders!
Points to Ponder:
Do you like telling a good story?
Will you stick to the truth when you tell people about God?