Tuesday 13 Jul 2021

July 13: Psalm 25:8-11
Key Verse: Psalm 25:9
He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way.
It is good to read through God’s Word. It is better to stop and think about what you read from God’s Word. God has set many things in motion to include sinners from all around the world in His teachings. He has made sure the bible is written in many different languages for people all round the world. He has made sure it is printed and spread everywhere... we are all given a chance to get to hear the bible.
What makes the biggest difference is what we do with the words we hear! Do we listen to the words but not hear them because we are thinking of something else when they are read to us. Do we listen and then move on to another topic as soon as we have heard them? Do we stop and think about the words? Do we meditate on the words?
God is good and continues to make sure we all get opportunity to hear His Word. He even gives His word to the most ardent of sinners. But it is the humble who stop and ingest His Word – these are the people who get to learn the most from God’s Word.
When we do hear His Word, we should not just listen, think and meditate... we should try to move forward and change our lives to fit in with what we are learning. Yesterday I was wearing a T-shirt which has the words Pray & Obey on it. When we get to hear God’s Word, we need to take it in and pray for understanding from the Holy Spirit. When He teaches us what we should understand, we should obey His teaching and move forward with Him in our lives. Not just sinners – all of us!
Points to Ponder:
How do you hear God’s Word?
How do you react to God’s Word?