Thursday 15 Jul 2021

July 15: Philippians 4:15-20
Key Verse: Philippians 4:17
Not that I desire your gifts; what I desire is that more be credited to your account.
Depending on what mood you are in and how your journey is with God, you will come out with a differing view of the words in this passage! So, what is my take in my journey today?
The Apostle reaches out to the people in the church of Philippi with words of encouragement and thanksgiving. He started off his journey on his mission around the area to try to open up God’s Scripture and Christ’s love to the people who were in need - everyone who would listen! He was very grateful to the church of Philippi for the support he had received ever since he had been there. He had faithfully stepped forward as Christ had requested and had not saved up enough to make sure he could go places before going – he went and trusted God for support.
Sometimes in our lives we tend to hold back and try to get into a safe place before we start. We don’t like to take risks and we hold back because of that. We don’t get very far with our mission because we have held back all along. But when we step forward and trust God with our lives, He is more than willing and very able to provide for our every need.
This is faith. Faith is stepping forward and trusting God. Faith is not leaping into a fire or jumping off a cliff (physically or metaphorically) to see if God will live up to His promise. Faith is listening to what God would like you to do and stepping forward to do it, trusting God will provide the necessary things along the way. Living by faith is hard, but so very rewarding!
Points to Ponder:
Do you have the strength to live by faith?
Will you trust God with more of your life?