Wednesday 14 Jul 2021

July 14: Ephesians 4:1-6
Key Verse: Ephesians 4:3
Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
Do you find it hard to live a life as a Christians when you are surrounded by so many people who are doing their own thing and not caring too much about anything else other than themselves? We are encouraged to look out for ourselves and to make sure we live a life we enjoy... but this is not what God teaches us and not what the Bible teaches us!
God continues to try and encourage us to live a life filled with love for one another where we can keep the peace because we know God’s word and we are encouraged by it. It if God through Christ and the Holy Spirit who continues to encourage us to live a life for Him. When we do listen and obey, we find it a lot easier to live with love for each other – this is the way Christ taught us and the way the Holy Spirit encourages us.
We need to focus on God, which means focusing on Christ and the Holy Spirit, keeping abreast of things through reading His Word and listening to Him at all times. When we do focus on God, our lives become more attuned to living His way and keeping Him as the focus in everything we do.
The more we live our lives with God in them, the more we begin to realise He is in everything and we see just how much He has done for us from the very beginning! Don’t wander off down the path which leads to worldly ways and possessions – instead keep God close and allow Him to show us how love and sharing go so much further!
Points to Ponder:
Do you live for personal goals?
Will you try to live for God’s goals today?