Saturday 17 Jul 2021

July 17: Mark 10:32-34
Key Verse: Mark 10:33
‘We are going up to Jerusalem,’ he said, ‘and the Son of Man will be delivered over to the chief priests and the teachers of the law. They will condemn him to death and will hand him over to the Gentiles
Have you ever had to tell someone close to you some very bad news? It is not easy to tell someone something you know they are not going to want to hear! And even harder when it is to tell someone something unstoppable is going to happen which will end up in a life being lost. Jesus was trying to break this news to the disciples without them losing faith in everything because He knew it would not be the end – despite it being the end of His physical life.
Jesus wasn’t going to broadcast this to everyone because God wanted them to see a human being raised up from the dead in no uncertain terms! If they knew of it before hand, they would have come up with some excuse for it to be trickery instead of reality. God does not deal in tricks but in the truth!
Jesus especially did not tell any of this to anyone who would report it back to the chief priests – they were the ones who would be largely responsible for all this happening! Jesus was not going to give them any reason to stop what they were going to do; how else would He be able to be the ultimate sacrifice for everyone.
When we have to tell someone any news, it should always be the truth and we should trust God to show us how best to tell of this news. From the very best news about Jesus, to the very worst news about family members passing away, we always need to be truthful and open. God showed us this through Jesus being truthful with everything in His life and about God as well.
Points to Ponder:
Do you try spare people the truth sometimes?
How could we believe Christ if His Word was not the truth?