Sunday 18 Jul 2021

July 18: Psalm 23:1-6
Key Verse: Psalm 23:1
The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
King David knew God. This does not mean he was perfect. This does not mean he did not sin against God. It meant he knew God personally because he was in a personal relationship with God. Because of this, he was able to write these words which we use to encourage ourselves in times of great adversity!
Jesus continued to tell the truth about what happened, what was happening and what was going to come in the future. He told it at the right time to others by listening to God and obeying Him. David, at the time of writing this, was close to God and knew he had to listen closely to God. When he listened and obeyed, good things happened and he felt the power of God in things he did.
If we are willing to listen closely to God and to obey His requests, then we too will feel the power of God through the things we do. This is what Jesus promoted and what has been written many times before in our bibles. This is the power of God working through people around the world and throughout time. I love David’s description of this power he experienced.
His words ring true: even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil! Why, because God was with him and walking by his side. The more David relied on the power and wisdom of God, the more he was able to do and the more people got to hear about the power of God through him. God wants us to be these beacons, ready to shine and willing to obey God’s will in our lives.
Points to Ponder:
Are you willing to obey?
Will you tell someone how good it is to be with God?