Wednesday 21 Jul 2021

July 21: Psalm 42:9-10
Key Verse: Psalm 42:9
I say to God my Rock, ‘Why have you forgotten me? Why must I go about mourning, oppressed by the enemy?’
Ok, admit it, how many times have you doubted whether God is with you? I know it’s something we don’t like to admit, but when we get into a bit of a rut or a tight corner, we tend to start thinking thoughts like this... it’s normal! Don’t fret about it! I used to get really upset with myself for having doubts which would cause all sorts of issues with health and my life in general!
God knows we are going to have doubts, He knows we will fail at things, He knows we are not up to certain things... This is why Jesus came to do all He did – so we would all have access to the promises of God no matter how far we have gone off track and no matter how many doubts we have in our lives!
I have written many times about how I pray all the time – well, that’s not 100% true because I do have times when I am lacking in my prayer life and when I feel like God has forgotten me. But I also can spend much more time talking about the great things God has done for me and all the love and support He gives me daily – even when I have been doubting!
You see, God is always with us. If we are looking the wrong direction up the road, we will not see the bus coming from the other direction! The same can be said in our spiritual lives. If we are looking in the wrong places we will probably not see what God is doing for us until after it has passed! We may feel like it is the end of what we can endure, but God knows exactly how far we can go and He will open the best path for us to get there... if we listen and obey.
Points to Ponder:
Are you worried about your doubts?
Have you noticed God answers prayers no matter what?