Tuesday 20 Jul 2021

July 20: Mark 6:53-56
Key Verse: Mark 6:55
They ran throughout that whole region and carried those who were ill on mats to wherever they heard he was.
Who do you run to when you need help? We finished off yesterday with this question to ponder; do you seek out a brother or sister, a parent or guardian, or even your best friend? Sometimes the people around us are not the people who we can fully trust in because they do not have all the answers we seek!
Wherever and whenever people saw Jesus, there was recognition and the word spread very quickly. People were desperate to bring the sick and inform to Him so they could get blessed and even healed. They knew they could just touch something from Christ and they would be healed – they had learned this through things Jesus did.
Whenever people brought forward their sick friends and relatives, Christ had mercy on them and would normally heal the people who needed it. Because of this people would always seek out Jesus and reach out to touch Him with absolute faith their infirmities would be removed just by His touch! They had faith in what God could do through Him – this is the faith we need to share with others by showing them they have a friend in Jesus who is willing and able to do so much with and for us!
Imagine the crowds if they had social media back in those days – I think the internet would be buzzing whenever people saw Christ. Can you imagine the crowds and the chaos as people flood in to hear Christ? Why should this not be happening just because Jesus is not physically here in human form? Christ can do many things and is not bound by the physical limitations we build up around ourselves. Look forward to what it will be like to be with Jesus!
Points to Ponder:
How do you show people Christ is with you?
Will you send out a few invitations to people to show them Christ is real?