Saturday 4 Jun 2022

June 4: John 21:20-23

Key Verse: John 21:23
Because of this, the rumour spread among the believers that this disciple would not die. But Jesus did not say that he would not die; he only said, ‘If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you?’

Have you ever got the wrong side of a story? Have you ever misunderstood what someone is trying to say to you? I’m sure we all have got things wrong at some stage or another – the disciples were no different as we can see here. They were pre-occupied with finding the identity of the disciple who would betray Jesus and were almost at the point of blaming each other.

Jesus’ answer to this was to tell them it was of no concern to them whom the guilty party was. If the true identity of Judas had got out before this, he may have ended up being mugged or entrapped before he could accomplish what was prophesied in the scriptures. Jesus wanted to make sure God’s word continued to be accurate all the way to the end – no matter what would happen! The disciples started thinking Jesus’ words would mean the guilty one would live forever; not what Jesus said at all.

We need to be careful about listening to Jesus and the Holy Spirit. If we go off on a tangent and do something He is not asking us to do, we are fulfilling our own desires and not God’s wishes. We need to stop and listen carefully. Then we need to take what we think we heard and compare it with what else we have in our bibles to see if it is in line with God’s wishes. If the disciples had stopped to think they would have realised God would not want anyone to live forever knowing they have gone against God!

If you think God is trying to get your attention or He is trying to get you to do something different, compare what you are hearing or thinking against what we know to be the truth from our Bibles. If the two do not match up or at least line up, then it is unlikely God is calling us to do that!

Points to Ponder:
Do you stop and listen when someone talks to you?

Do you stop and listen to God?