Sunday 5 Jun 2022

June 5: Acts 2:5-13

Key Verse: Acts 2:13
Some, however, made fun of them and said, ‘They have had too much wine.’

How many times have people made fun of you because you are doing something for God? It seems like the more I do for God the more I meet people who want to make fun of me or the work just because they don’t have a clue what’s going on! This is one of mankind's defence mechanisms… to make light of something when we don’t understand it so we will not look like we don’t understand!

Jesus probably met many people who tried to make fun of Him and the work He was doing; but He also met a whole lot of people who were important in society who were out to kill Him! Jerusalem was a place where many people met up; this happens in most big cities, people from all walks in life and different countries meet up or mix together. If a street performer is singing in one language, people who understand that language often gather round to hear what’s going on.

The same was happening here, people could hear their own language being spoken and they gathered round to find out more… The big difference here is that each person heard the disciples speaking in their own languages instead of the language of the disciple. There must have been people who could speak multiple languages there to hear what was going on.

This is not normal for humans! This is normal for God because nothing is impossible with God. If we listen to the Holy Spirit and allow Him to guide us, we will be able to do many things we thought not possible to start with. I used to think I was pretty terrible at talking to teenagers because I struggled with bringing up my own – but when God asked me to teach the teens, I was and am able to reach them with God’s Word!

Points to Ponder:
Are you put off by what other people say about you?

Will you trust God and listen to what the Holy Spirit wants from you?