Saturday 5 Nov 2022

November 5: Luke 16:9-15

Key Verse: Luke 16:10
Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.

How do you work out who to trust? Is it not by trusting a little first to see if the other person can be trusted first of all? We like to be able to trust people because it gives us confidence as well as giving them some confidence too. Jesus tried to tell the disciples how they could become more trustworthy and the answer was quite simple – start out by allowing people to trust in you a little and after a while of them being able to trust you, their trust will grow… as long as you continue to be trustworthy!

Jesus made sure He always told the truth to everyone so they would know they could always trust Him. He continues to make sure we know the truth and are able to trust in Him because He has always given us the truth – whether we want to listen to the truth is our choice!

If you want to be trusted by others you should also entrust them – make sure you do trust them and show them you do trust them. If people do feel like they are trusted by you, they are more likely to trust in you; it goes both ways!

Jesus gives us the choice. He trusts us to keep our word to Him and to others. He knows we will not be able to do this all the time, but He still trusts us! There is the start of where we should be headed if we want others to trust us. Start by trusting them too.

Points to Ponder:
Are you very trusting?

Are you trustworthy too?