Sunday 6 Nov 2022

November 6: Job 19:23-27

Key Verse: Job 19:24
that they were inscribed with an iron tool on lead, or engraved in rock for ever!

How do you think people are going to remember you? Have you written a book about what you have done? Have you recorded a daily vlog saying what you have been up to? Have you recorded what you have done so people will remember you? All these things will only get you remembered here on earth for the things you have done here… How do you think God is going to recall your works?

Job had more than any of us would normally be able to handle, and yet He continued to praise God and to glorify Him one way or another. Would we be able to do that if we were persecuted day in and day out?

Job realised his earthly life was going to be but a moment when compared to what lay ahead of Him in Heaven. He continued to believe and trust in God and knew in his heart he was destined to live out his immortal life in Heaven with God! He also knew Christ would come and be amongst us on earth… He knew this from his communion with God – not by reading the scriptures, because they had not been written down yet after all this book of the life of Job is believed to be the oldest out of ever account in our bibles!

Instead, Job knew this because God had impressed this upon him. This is the truth we have now got written down for us and what we can all get to believe in if we choose! But so many people still choose the earthly life instead of the spiritual life. They choose what they can see and physically feel because that makes more sense to them. If we spent the time meditating upon the words God gives us, we too would reach the same conclusion as Job, that our Saviour lives and we will get to spend eternity with Him!

Points to Ponder:
Who knows you like a book?

Will you try to live a life people will notice giving glory to God?