Monday 7 Nov 2022

November 7: Luke 17:1-4

Key Verse: Luke 17:1
Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Things that cause people to stumble are bound to come, but woe to anyone through whom they come.

How many times have you given in to a temptation because a friend has given in already – thinking it can’t be that bad if they have done it… This is the type of trap Jesus was warning the disciples about here. We are more likely to do something if someone else has already done it & Jesus does not want us to be the ones who start the ball rolling!

It is so easy to give into temptation when you think nobody is looking, even when we know in the back of our minds God is watching every move we make… The more we think nobody is watching the more likely we are to sin; but what if you do and someone else sees you? You are now responsible for them thinking it is OK to sin because they have seen you do it!

Jesus also warned them to remind people when you do see them sin rather than cover it up and make as if nothing has happened. Rather point it out to them in a nice way so they know someone is always watching. That way they are less likely to give into it again. Better to stop it before they get used to it and continue as if it is a habit!

But then if we are going to do anything like this, we have to be willing to forgive others when they do something against us. Christ is always willing to forgive us, but He may just point it out again and again if we don’t do something about it in our lives! Just like the friends we should be toward others, Christ wants to be that friend who points out your sin so you have a better chance at not falling into the same pit again.

This all sounds terrible when we talk about it like this – and it is when you think what Christ did to make sure we are forgiven!

Points to Ponder:
Do you make light of some sins in your life?

Are you willing to face Jesus and admit your sin?