Wednesday 30 Nov 2022

November 30: Romans 10:16-18

Key Verse: Romans 10:17
Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.

God does not force any of us to believe in Him or to follow what He says; He has given us the choice. Our choices have consequences! Jesus came to demonstrate the fullness of our reward if we choose to believe in Him and trust His words. He gives this same choice to everyone in the world, whether we are of His chosen race or otherwise...

How did you get to hear about Jesus and what He had done for you? I can remember going to Sunday School at a very early age, but none of that made much sense to me at the time; my parents attended a church which was fairly set in their ways – all I remember from that side is people dressing up and acting polite to one another. When I was in high school I started to attend a church which put me forward for confirmation after I attended classes… again, not much of that stuck because it all seemed like school at the time.

But when one of the seniors in school sat down and explained what Jesus had done and why He did it, I chose to follow Christ! I was finally given the choice to follow Christ and to believe what I wanted to believe given the truth; it was no longer just a scholastic lesson I had to complete!

We get to hear God’s Word from many different angles in our lives and we get to choose what we do with those truths. If they are not fully explained to us, we fall short in our understanding of the situation and we may not make the right choices. This is why God calls each one of us to come forward and retell the story in our own words – that is what will make others choose to follow Christ or not. It makes all the difference!

Points to Ponder:
Do you understand what Christ has done for you?

Have you chosen to believe He did it for you?