Thursday 1 Dec 2022

December 1: Psalm 118:22-24

Key Verse: Psalm 118:22
The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone;

Do you ever think you are not good enough for God to use you in spreading the gospel? The more I get to share the gospel the more I realise every single one of us has a way we can share the gospel; if we all did it the same way we would probably have a very limited demographic of people hearing about Christ, but because we all have our own ways of sharing the love we have for Christ, more and more people get to hear the truth!

When we look back on the Old Testament we see so many references to Jesus being rejected by the people God actually chose as His people; now we can look back on the life of Jesus and compare all the prophetic words with what happened – including these words. Jesus was the ‘stone they rejected.’ The Israelites chose to follow their own teachings instead of God. I believe they were probably doing it out of a combination of ignorance and self pride; they could not get their heads round the fact their Messiah was actually here and they did not want to let go of the important positions they had made for themselves.

Christ, on the other hand, laid Himself down to be the cornerstone of the church. Can you imagine putting everything your life stood for aside just so you could do things for other people? This is what Christ has done for us!

God’s love for us stands for so much He was willing to lay down everything to serve us and to be our advocate to ensure we can join Him in Heaven for eternity. This means He must want us to be with Him so much! Can you imagine being with someone for longer than your whole life? Rejoice and be glad!

Points to Ponder:
Do you feel you are not good enough for God?

Do you realise what He did just for you?