Tuesday 20 Dec 2022

December 20: Luke 1:26-38

Key Verse: Luke 1:32
He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David

When we get round to reading and studying these verses, I know Christmas is upon us! Each year we go over these verses to remind us of the amazing gift God brought to us through His Son Jesus Christ. We can begin to imagine what Mary, Joseph and their families went through when God told them about their futures; but I don’t think you get to experience the full feeling unless something extraordinary has happened to you...

This is not when I tell you about something special or tell you to wait a decade or two to learn about this special time! This is where I tell you this has happened to you and is happening to you right now. We are joining in on this special journey of faith and love shared with us by God through our history.

People will tell you it couldn’t have happened or it was very different or many other things; it is a personal journey between you and Christ as you learn about His love for you and what He has done just for you. This is not just for Mary and Joseph, not just for the people alive at the time, not just for the Jews or any other people, this is a personal story for you to follow with Christ at the centre.

God can do and does do miracles. We continue to see evidence of what he is doing in our lives as we grow with Him. Inviting His to stay by your side and joining in with His story allows each of us to experience the love He has shown each of us. This Christmas, why not spend some time thinking about all the things God has done just for you.

Points to Ponder:
How much time do you spend with friends and family?

How much time do you spend with God?