Wednesday 21 Dec 2022

December 21: Luke 1:39-45

Key Verse: Luke 1:41
When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.

Have you ever had a very big surprise? I’m not talking about something bad but something very good… When we get a surprise which is bad, it can feel like life or energy drains from your body – not sure where it goes but that is what it feels like. When we get a good surprise, the opposite seems to be true and energy and life flood back into your body – again, not sure from where!

This meeting between Mary and Elizabeth was something Elizabeth certainly felt good about. She instantly knew Mary was pregnant and she was filled with joy; so much so her baby itself was filled with joy too! That sort of joy is wonderful to experience and something we would wish to happen to us every day; sadly it does not though.

The two babies, John and Jesus, had a very special connection from this moment onward. John was filled with the Holy Spirit even before he was born, and Jesus was excited even before He was born! It is this sort of special connection we can have with Jesus as soon as we accept Him into our lives. He praises God when any person wants Him in their lives – this is what he looks forward to every day!

When we believe in Christ and place our faith and trust in Him, we get direct access to this joy and peace which He wants us to have. We gain access to the living water which will allow us to grow far beyond any earthly water or food will do for us. Christ continues to want us all to join with Him just as He did when John wanted to have Him as Lord in his own life way back then.

Points to Ponder:
Do you look forward to having Jesus in your life?

Will you make sure you give Jesus access to all of your life?