Tuesday 28 Feb 2023

February 28: Matthew 6:7-15

Key Verse: Matthew 6:15
But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

One of the hardest things to do is to forgive someone when they have done something which has upset you; but that is what Jesus asks us to do for every things which has been done against you. If you find it hard to even think about forgiving someone, then start off by thinking about the things you have done wrong. How many of them have been done by error or without you thinking about it?

Jesus knows what we do get up to and He knows we will make mistakes and sometimes we get angry too and do things which are out of character. That is because we have been born into this world and have lived amongst people who do the same things! It is no use saying we do things because we are human – even humans have a choice to do good or bad!

Jesus went to the cross to pay for our sins. He knew we were and are going to sin. He has every right to be very upset by us. But He still went to the cross knowing this – because He loves us! When we do love someone it is easy to forgive them. When we grow to hate someone because of all the things they have done wrong, it seems very difficult to get out of that rut.

Jesus has set the mark. He stepped up and said He would forgive us no matter what we have done wrong. He gave His life so we could be blameless to God and join Him in Heaven. When we do things wrong against God, He sees what Jesus has done and leaves it up to Jesus to forgive us if we are willing to admit to our faults and ask Him to forgive us. If we don’t ask, we don’t get...

Points to Ponder:
Do you remember all the things you have done wrong?

Will you allow Jesus to present you blameless to God?