Wednesday 1 Mar 2023

March 1: Jonah 3:1-10

Key Verse: Jonah 3:5
The Ninevites believed God. A fast was proclaimed, and all of them, from the greatest to the least, put on sackcloth.

Whenever I read this story I think of a large modern city where you can catch buses and taxi cabs from one end to the other without too much bother; but back then it would have been a very different story, having to walk instead. Back in high school we used to stay in a boarding school in a city in Zimbabwe where walking into the city centre was normal for us and on weekends I would sometimes walk out to the suburbs where my grand parents lived so I could have a break.

The walk was only an hour or so, but once out of the school walls we would lose track of what was happening very quickly. We didn’t have mobile phones or the internet back then so it was quite easy to get out of touch very quickly. When we look at the words in this passage it seems like the city of Nineveh was quite different in that people got to hear about Jonah’s warnings from God very quickly! I think it must have been the fact they knew the city was in a bad state and knew they were doing wrong against God.

When we find out we have done something wrong we try to hide the fact and go on as if we have not done anything wrong; why should we call attention to ourselves! But the people of Nineveh took what Jonah was saying on board and they all wanted to change! The news spread very quickly and it was not long before the king found out what was happening and heard the news.

But, despite all they had done wrong, God was willing to forgive them and allow them to live despite having been under a could of death when Jonah highlighted what they were doing wrong. How quickly would you spread the news if you found out there was going to be a disaster coming to the city or town where you live? Would you wait until you were threatened with destruction, or would you try and say something before it was too late?

Points to Ponder:
How long do you plan on hiding the Gospel from your town?

Will you allow people to live under God?