Sunday 2 Apr 2023

April 2: Matthew 21:1-11

Key Verse: Matthew 21:11
The crowds answered, ‘This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee.’

How many times have you aimed high at getting something completed only to find out you cannot quite reach the mark and have to be happy with a lesser result? How many of those times have you been distraught because you could not accomplish your goals?

A lot of times we find out the hard way we cannot go as far as we had hoped we could and we end up having to do less of have less in the end. When you get to that point, what you do next is going to be what counts most of all! If you just accept what has been done and leave it at that, you could be seen as being someone who has been able to attain something, right? But what would happen if you continued to aim high and continued forward with your plan, making slight adjustments along the way.

If you follow any sport you will know what I am talking about here. There is only going to be one winner on any particular day. But if you continue following that sport you will see how the leader board often changes week on week – that is because the people taking part try new things or approach problems in a different manner.

God wants us to be the same in our work for Him. Going in and facing a failing on your first day should not put you off. Going in an only having a partial results should not put you off. We are in this for the span of our lives and not just on the day or hour of the event. Depending on which Gospel you read, this even reached varying levels of success – what they all agree on is that this was just the start of Jesus final entry into Jerusalem. The true success was down to Jesus not giving up and continuing on the path God had set before Him!

Points to Ponder:
How often do you give up because you don’t succeed?

Will you ask God for continued guidance instead of a one off success?