Monday 3 Apr 2023

April 3: John 12:1-11

Key Verse: John 12:5
‘Why wasn’t this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth a year’s wages.’

One of the things you will always face as a Christian is the people who will object to you spending money on anything to do with the church! They don’t do it because they care any more about other people than you do but because they care more about money than any people! When Jesus said the love for money is the root of all evil, this is the aspect He was probably thinking about.

Almost a week ahead of the Passover feast, Jesus came back to Bethany where Lazarus lived and they all enjoyed a big dinner together as a thank you to Jesus. The sisters Mary and Martha were busy with all the catering and caring for the guests when Mary stopped what she was doing to show her love for Jesus for what He had done. She had acquired a very expensive bottle of perfume which was going to be used for His burial. Judas, the one who would soon betray Jesus for money, objected and commented they could probably live off the proceeds for a year!

Mary wanted to show her love for what Jesus had done and used that perfume on Jesus feet. Nobody else was objecting because this was a show of love and gratitude for what had been done. Judas objected because of his love for money instead of for people…

This gathering had caused many people to come and seek out both Jesus and Lazarus; Jesus for doing the healing, and Lazarus because he came back from the dead! The chief priests objected to this and they started plans to kill both Jesus and Lazarus. They were showing their love was not toward God and others but toward their perceived power over the people; not what Jesus or God was teaching!

Points to Ponder:
How do you show your love for others?

How do you show your love for God?