Tuesday 11 Apr 2023

April 11: Psalm 33:16-19

Key Verse: Psalm 33:17
A horse is a vain hope for deliverance; despite all its great strength it cannot save.

There are many things in life which we think are safe but turn out to have flaws which let us down. In the UK people regard their houses as being the safe haven away from the world, but so many places do get burgled because of a fault or destroyed because something was wrong. Whilst we may be able to rely on many things most of the time, there is only One who we can rely on all of the time!

Kings, rulers and leaders have all been brought to their knees because people came up against them – no matter how big the army is, if enough people take a stance, the leader will be brought down; all it takes is for the truth to come out and people will rather stand for the truth than continue to live a lie. So the only safe place is with the One who does not lie!

We have a lot of technical marvels in this world, from the biggest tunnel boring machines which cut through mountains to the tiniest instruments used in the most delicate surgery; but all of those instruments are only as good as the people wielding them or driving them. You get the picture? There is only One for which anything is possible!

For every person who is willing to say God is in charge of their lives and to trust Him with and for everything, the Lord will continue to be there and continue to love and support them through all things in life. Yes we will still have to face the thieves, murderers, tyrants, rotten leaders, mistakes of others; because we still live in this world in which they try to thrive. Ask God to be a bigger part in your life and give Him the control He needs to keep you safer and stronger!

Points to Ponder:
Do you really trust God?

Will you give Him more control?