Wednesday 12 Apr 2023

April 12: Luke 24:28-32

Key Verse: Luke 24:31
Then their eyes were opened and they recognised him, and he disappeared from their sight.

Have you tried to meet up with an acquaintance after years of being separated and found you do not recognise them at all physically because you have both changed so much? It may only be after a while of being together when you start recognising the things they used to say and do which bring all the memories flooding back...

This story was only a short time after Jesus had been hung on the cross, had died and had disappeared, or at least that is what it may have looked like to them. They were certainly not expecting their Messiah to casually walk with them along the road to Emmaus! They simply did not look for Jesus and so their minds were closed off from seeing Him for who He was. But as soon as He broke bread in the same manner as He had done previously, their memories came flooding back!

There are going to be times in our lives when we are walking with God but do not recognise it because of all the distractions of the world and our own clouded minds and hearts. But as soon as He does something for us we recognise it was Him and are filled with joy.

The distractions of this world may not seem like anything now, or when you are being distracted by them, but the longer we endure the distractions, the more they detract us from our walk with God. He is still there. We are still with Him… but we seem a bit disconnected and don’t recognise all he is doing for us. We need to watch and pray always because it is during the quiet times God is doing the work and changing the world. We need to be awake and aware of Him as much as possible...

Points to Ponder:
What things distract you in life?

Will you try and listen out for what God is doing today?