June 7: 1 Peter 1:18-25
Key Verse: 1 Peter 1:25
but the word of the Lord endures for ever.’ And this is the word that was preached to you.
When it comes down to sacrifices and the Old Testament there were different innocent animals which would be sacrificed for various things not withstanding how much you could afford as well. But the sacrifice which has paid for our sins once and for all is greater than any sacrifice ever made or what ever will be made. The Son of God sacrificed Himself, pure and innocent, living flesh, Holy and one of a kind never to be matched.
Everything which was sacrificed up to that point was perishable. Even the human body which was Christ Jesus was perishable, but His spirit and soul are eternal just as our spirit and souls are eternal. That is the love Jesus has for us, that He willingly laid down His body as the perfect sacrifice for our sins, now and forever.
No matter what wealth and titles we accumulate over the years as we live on earth, none of that is going to stay with us forever. Yes it will stay with us while we are alive and living on earth, but after that they remain as we move on. The things which stand out as being permanent like Jesus’ sacrifice are the Word of God and everything He stands for.
We can and will join Him in Heaven for eternity if we are willing to believe Jesus did this all for us and ask Him to take on the burden of our sin debt so we can be set free once and for all.
Points to Ponder:
Do you look at the bible as another book?
Or do you look at it as the Living Word of God?
Wednesday 7 Jun 2023
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