June 8: 1 Corinthians 11:23-26
Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 11:26
For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.
I think we often forget about the timing and the immense roller-coaster of feelings Jesus would have been going through on the day He chose to share bread and wine with the disciples. Jesus was with the disciples but He also knew what was about to happen – from this moment on there was no turning back! He chose to share the last meal with the disciples knowing full well one of them would betray Him and He would no longer share a meal with them in this state.
Jesus chose to thank God for everything, including what was about to happen before He broke the bread. Then He broke the bread and offered it to each disciple telling them they should do this in the future to remember what was going to happen – His body would be broken for them as the perfect sacrifice.
Then He took the cup of wine and offered it to the disciples so they would remember how His blood would be shed for them. This must have been a confusing time for them because they did not fully understand what was happening and being told their master’s body would be broken and He would bleed for their sakes must have shaken them up a bit. But the focus here was to do these things to remember what Jesus was about to do.
When we share bread and wine in our churches, do you ever think about what Jesus must have gone through in His heart and mind as He chose to share the bread and wine with the disciples at this their last supper together. Do you realise the sacrifice Jesus has made for us in giving up His earthly life for our sakes – knowing we are sinners!
Points to Ponder:
When you offer to do something, do you offer whatever it takes?
Jesus did what was necessary for our salvation – because He loves us!
Thursday 8 Jun 2023
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