Saturday 29 Jul 2023

July 29: Exodus 24:3-8

Key Verse: Exodus 24:7
Then he took the Book of the Covenant and read it to the people. They responded, ‘We will do everything the Lord has said; we will obey.’

When you look back at how much the people of Israel went through in the desert and how many of them never got to see the promised land, you may think God was cruel or you may feel sorry for them for everything they had to put up with. This section of passage is the time when Moses had been given all the rules the people would have to follow, had written them down and recounted them to the people. In other words they had heard the laws twice over and now they are making a blood covenant with God concerning them.

This was a promise to God, set in blood, that they would follow God’s rules and do everything God wanted them to do. This was the highest promise they could make at the time. Though nowadays we may look at it as being barbaric…

What I’m trying to show is the two sides of this relationship we have with God. On one side He has promised us things and those things will happen no matter what. On the other side we see man’s promises which last a while but many get broken because we grow weary or change our minds…

God would love us to be in a stable relationship with Him where we continue to make sure we keep Him and His ways in our lives and where He is able to talk back to us because we are willing to listen. We know we can talk to Him at any time through our prayers, but to know He is listening and will answer our prayers takes some commitment from us too.

Points to Ponder:
How is your relationship with God?

How many promises have you made to God?