Sunday 30 Jul 2023

July 30: 1 Kings 3:5-12

Key Verse: 1 Kings 3:9
Give your servant therefore an understanding mind to govern your people, able to discern between good and evil; for who can govern this your great people?

This always seems to remind me of stories we hear as children about a genie being released from a bottle and giving the person 3 wishes; the number of different ways the people choose their wishes seems to be never ending! But this is no genie and this is no ordinary person! Solomon had grown to learn many things but in his humble way he recognises he is nothing in comparison to the great prophets who had come before him.

So his answer the God when God asks what he wants is enlightening for all of us, not whimsical as in the fairy stories we get to hear as children! Solomon simply wanted to be able to do more for the people in a way which would not just please God, but a way which would be honouring and praiseworthy for and to God. He wanted wisdom to be able to carry this all off!

If we look at our lives we could boast about our earthly wares and ways, or we could look at the world as a whole and recognise we are just one tiny part of what we call human existence! God alone knows all the details and we should always be looking for guidance from Him to cater for the things around us and especially the people around us.

There is no way we can know what is in people’s hearts and minds – but God can and does. We don’t know what makes people do what they do – but God can and does. We don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow and the next day – but God does. Our knowledge and wisdom is like a tiny mustard seed in comparison to God’s knowledge and wisdom. Choose to be more like Solomon and ask God for your daily guidance!

Points to Ponder:
Have you been successful in school?

Have you been successful in your relationship with God?