Saturday 12 Aug 2023

August 12: Deuteronomy 6:10-13

Key Verse: Deuteronomy 6:12
be careful that you do not forget the Lord, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.

The first time I read the Old Testament I was a bit confused as to why I should have to know about these people who were slaves in Egypt, went for a great trek through the desert and ended up taking over someone else’s country! At least that is what it seemed like back then… I first thought the people were barbaric and did strange things...

But when you get to learn history and get to know God, a whole lot of things fall into place. How could a people change when they had only ever remembered being slaves and being treated like they did not deserve anything their whole lives! God showed them His mercy and compassion filled their ways. It must have been very hard for the people to turn their lives upside down!

Sometimes we may think God is being totally unreasonable by asking us to do things which we just don’t understand; things which seem to go against logic and against what we expect to happen in this world. But if we give Him time to explain things and trust Him, then we too will see great rewards. As we go through each step of that journey we may start to feel comfortable because things are finally turning round. Those are the times when we have to be most alert!

The more comfortable we get to feel the less we will be on guard for the wiles of the evil one and the more danger we put ourselves back in. God is leading us down a path which may not seem like the best path we would like to choose, but it will make sense when we reach our destination. If we give in before then or get too comfortable and put God aside, we may not be able to grab that last rung on the ladder!

Points to Ponder:
Do you shy away from things which seem illogical?

Will you be able to fully rely on God?