Sunday 13 Aug 2023

August 13: Romans 10:5-11

Key Verse: Romans 10:11
As Scripture says, ‘Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.’

I find it very interesting to compare the letters which the apostles wrote to the various churches to see what emphasis was put on which ways of life. Here, for the Romans, the apostle knew they had a strict regard to the law because the emperor would make sure his army would knock out any dissident activities with force! The Romans also did not dare to bring down the name of Caesar or to lift themselves up to his level – instead there was a strict hierarchy which would be followed! If only the people would have the same regard for God as they did for Caesar!

But human society desires would play a very big part of the Roman society with people always striving to be better by citizens by proving themselves against each other! They would always measure themselves against one another! This is not what God was trying to get people to do – quite the opposite. Christ was teaching the disciples no matter what social standing they had, God would always look at them by what was in their hearts for God!

Christ reminded the disciples it was all about their belief in what God had done and what He was doing. This belief did not have to have foundations on any human measures or levels in society. The Romans were brought up in a racist manner (by comparison to our modern world racism standards) and they would have thought this God was a God for the Jews and not for them. The apostle had to convince them otherwise!

We are not limited in our relationship with Christ by our social standing, race or any other worldly measure – the only justification is through what we believe. God gives us all the chance to be in a relationship with Him through our belief – and that is it!

Points to Ponder:
Do you fall short of what you think a Christian should be?

Do you know your belief in Christ is enough?