Thursday 17 Aug 2023

August 17: Joshua 3:7-17

Key Verse: Joshua 3:8
Tell the priests who carry the ark of the covenant: “When you reach the edge of the Jordan’s waters, go and stand in the river.”

How often do you implicitly trust a friend when they tell you to do something in a particular way? Maybe you have to build up trust in that friend before you listen to everything they say? When you do have enough trust in someone you are willing to listen to them even when they tell you to do something which at first seems counter-intuitive!

If we are able to give Christ the faith we have in some of our friends, then, just maybe, we will get to see Him do marvellous things in our lives! We often forget just how capable God is at doing everything in our lives and we listen to the world a bit too much. Just like Peter stepping out of the boat to walk to Jesus on the water; he started out fine until he allowed himself to be swayed by the world around him, then he sank!

God made a promise to Joshua he would be able to cross the river Jordan. At this time of the year the river was in flood, yet as soon as the people carrying the Ark listened fully to God, everyone witnessed something of a miracle! It took faith from Joshua to believe God. It took faith from the priests carrying to ark to listen to Joshua. It took faith from the people they would be able to follow the ark.

Nobody had to perform a miracle. Nobody had to have amazing powers. It was all down to faith in God and listening to the people God was talking to and through. If we are able to think less of the limitations of the world around us and more of our faith in God, we too will be able to see things God wants to do in our lives!

Points to Ponder:
What does it take for you to believe in something?

Will you try to allow God to do what He wants to do?