Friday 18 Aug 2023

August 18: Joshua 21:1-18

Key Verse: Joshua 21:7
The descendants of Merari, according to their clans, received twelve towns from the tribes of Reuben, Gad and Zebulun.

I find the portioning of the land after Joshua had led the people over the river to settle in the ‘land of milk and honey’ to be a strange affair. Why strange? Maybe because we live in such a corrupt and diverse society the way in which it was all done with such agreement is quite unfamiliar. In our modern world the politicians fight it out all the time not always thinking of the people but their own gain instead. We have countries warring and sending young people to fight a battle they do not understand…

Yet these people obeyed God and did this whole section peaceably. Over the past few chapter we read all about what land was elected to which tribes, why it was so and even the setting up of cities of refuge where people in trouble could flee to until things were sorted out in law. Now we have the tribe of the Levites who had always looked after the temple who had not amassed earthly wealth in livestock or land but had listened to and obeyed God throughout the journey through the desert.

Now was the time for the people to step forward and give back to the Levites for all the work they had done. Each tribe apportioned parts of their land to the Levites, some for farming, some for living and even parts for safety refuge too. These were not given to the people who were first chosen to be Levites, but to their descendants.

God does not forget what we have done and although we may not always get to see the earthly wealth for our Godly works, He is always fair and makes sure we, or our families get rewarded. God is good, all the time! This was not a case of the people giving what they didn’t want to people they didn’t like, it was a case of people obeying God and giving part of what they treasured to people who had obeyed God!

Points to Ponder:
How often do you do things because of earthly wealth?

How often do you do things because of Heavenly wealth?