Saturday 26 Aug 2023

August 26: Ruth 2:1-11

Key Verse: Ruth 2:8
So Boaz said to Ruth, ‘My daughter, listen to me. Don’t go and glean in another field and don’t go away from here. Stay here with the women who work for me.

I don’t pretend to understand the ways of the ancient people of Israel and how they felt they had to do things in accordance with ancient rules – but they did. Here we are reading about a woman and daughter in law who used to be in a ‘normal’ family but have been all but destroyed. Naomi and Ruth were living by whatever means they could; following the harvesters and picking up the pieces they dropped or left behind was their way of life now. No longer did they have the money to spend on food coming from the farmers...

What I find amazing is just how God works behind the scenes and how much He does look out for us when we place our faith and trust in Him. Naomi knew all the rules and what was expected. She knew Ruth would be able to follow the harvesters  and glean some food left behind during the harvest. Ruth was the one who was willing to go out into the hot day and do the work for her and her mother in law.

What neither of them expected was for Boaz, a distant relative and owner of the field she chose to work in. The workers did not have to allow the people to glean after them but it was understood they should allow people to do so. This was one way God allowed the poor people to be able to get some food – not a hand out but something they had to work for.

God softened Boaz’s heart who told Ruth to continue working in his field alone to make sure they got enough food. He even offered water to Ruth as she worked, and, later on in the chapter we hear how he instructed the harvesters to leave a little more than normal for Ruth to pick up. The rest, we say, is history. They get together, have a child which turns out to be King David’s grandfather!

Points to Ponder:
Do you wonder how God could ever change your life?

Will you trust Him to do what he knows is best?