Sunday 27 Aug 2023

August 27: Isaiah 51:12-16

Key Verse: Isaiah 51:12
‘I, even I, am he who comforts you. Who are you that you fear mere mortals, human beings who are but grass,

How often do you have to be reminded about someone who does good things in your life? I am probably not the best at acknowledging the good others do in my life; I do take some people for granted some of the time. It does not take much to go wrong in your life before you begin to see just how much others do and how you depend on others for so much in your life.

Without the links and bonds we have with others in our lives we would not be able to do half the things we do. From the friends and family who stick by our sides to the professionals who’s task is to serve and protect us, we are all bound in communities in many ways.

The prophet was reminding the people of all the things God had done in their lives to make it possible for them to live the relatively free lives they now looked forward to having. When we grow used to having good things in our lives we often do forget the people who put things in place so we could get to the place we are in now. It is well worth stopping and remembering things before, now and what we can look forward to in the future.

If we do not see God in every step in our lives, then, just maybe, we are taking Him for granted because we are too used to having all the gifts He has given us in our lives. Take time out to stop and thank God for all He has done in your life, from the people He placed in them, the places He has opened up for you and the promises He has given for your future with Him!

Points to Ponder:
Do you take people for granted?

Do you take God for granted?