Monday 28 Aug 2023

August 28: 1 Thessalonians 1:4-10

Key Verse: 1 Thessalonians 1:8
The Lord’s message rang out from you not only in Macedonia and Achaia – your faith in God has become known everywhere. Therefore we do not need to say anything about it

If you get scared about trying to explain the Gospel to others and you are worried you are not obeying God by telling others about the Gospel, then just be yourself and allow people to see you for what and whom you are. If you have a good relationship with God and talk to Him all the time, then you are a good example to others already. Here the apostle is telling the people from Thessalonica they are renown for being who they are!

Somehow I got a name for being someone of great faith in our community when all I thought I was doing was being a normal Christian and following what I believed God was asking of me. If you are able to do the same, someone is going to notice and it may be the encouragement they need to seek God in their own lives!

We cannot reach all people all the time through what we do and say, but people like to talk to other people and if they have noticed something different about you, your reputation will go before you. Now, what sort of reputation goes before you is going to be based on how other people see you!

We need to be honest and open about our lives with God so others can see we are in a good place with Him. This will encourage them to seek a good place with God too because they will see the joy and peace you have in your life. We don’t have to be able to recite the gospel, though it does help if you can give others encouragement through knowing the gospel. You don’t have to preach in front of a crowd of people – just be yourself!

Points to Ponder:
Do you know how other people see you?

Are you showing them you trust Christ?