Monday 4 Sep 2023

September 4: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Key Verse: 1 Thessalonians 4:18
Therefore encourage one another with these words.

One of the hardest things to go through is the death of a family member or of a loved one but each time I have gone through this I have remembered these words and they have comforted me more than anything. I have been to many funerals and have seen how some cannot cope with the loss; how they are affected for many years afterward and maybe continue to be affected now.

I do go through days when I remember those loved ones I have had to say goodbye to, but, equally I have been able to take comfort with these words knowing so many of them have known God and trusted in Him. As Christians we do believe we are going to join Christ in heaven after we die, and whilst some will disagree when they will get to Heaven, the comfort is still there.

We are also reminded in many places in the bible we have a right to mourn, not just to accept what is happening and say everything is fine, but to mourn properly. As humans we know our lives will come to an end at some stage and how we live them will give us comfort or stress in the end. If we live with Christ every step of the way, we will know the comfort He alone will give us at the end, and so will those around us.

I do look forward to the day that I am able to see all my friends and family once again but I am in no rush to get there soon. I know God has given me time to confront and comfort many more people before they have to mourn my passing; I step forward and I say “here am I Lord, use me!” each day I wake up.

Points to Ponder:
Are you mourning for a recent loss?

Will you wake up today and join me in saying “Here I am, use me”?