Tuesday 5 Sep 2023

September 5: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

Key Verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

How many times have you read a part of the bible and said to yourself “I’m already doing that…” As Christians we are taught to read our bibles, though some fall behind on that. We are taught to pray all the time, though some fall behind on that. We are taught to love one another, to love God and to do many things… But how many of those things do we let slide because we are too busy with something else?

We do not know when Jesus is going to return and have been given no indication when that exact date will be; but we have warnings about how the world will be before He comes. Needless to say it has been like that for a while and yet many still ignore the warnings “because it hasn’t happened yet!”

Many things in the world still continue to tempt us and we do give in to things all the time. We can use excuses about how weary we are or how we lack strength but each time we are admitting to weaknesses in ourselves. Don’t worry, God knows those weaknesses and has already placed the people around us who will make a difference.

Our task as disciples is to encourage each other and to build each other up so when we are faced with adverse times, events or even people, we can gain strength from the people around us to face up to those times, events and people. We just have to open our eyes to all God has already given us!

Points to Ponder:
Do you sometimes feel alone?

Will you help someone close to you to have courage today?