Saturday 9 Sep 2023

September 9: Colossians 1:21-23

Key Verse: Colossians 1:21
Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behaviour.

As a non-believer, one of the hardest things to get your head round is the forgiveness of Christ, but when you get to know Christ your whole world changes! When you are faced with rules which you do not want to agree with, the temptation to break those rules is ever present and something we often give in to. But what happens when those rules do not agree with simple human survival?

God has watched mankind over the years and knows when we are going to give in and break the laws. It is not that He just accepts you break the rules and sin now and again, but He does know us and knows our limits. We are just human beings whether we are Christians or not and we will give in to temptations from time to time. When we do, we should be brave enough to admit them to God and ask for forgiveness and not try sweep them under the rug!

It is because of what Jesus did for us by giving His own life as the perfect sacrifice we needed, we are able to commune with God. It is knowing of our failings and bringing them to Jesus we are able to gain absolute forgiveness. We cannot put anything behind us or hide anything from God because He sees all; but we are able to give them to Christ to have them covered by His sacrifice.

But to do any of this we need faith in believing what Jesus has done and trust Him to deliver us blameless before God!

Points to Ponder:
Do you admit your faults to Christ?

Will you trust in what He has done for you?