Friday 8 Sep 2023

September 8: Colossians 1:15-20

Key Verse: Colossians 1:17
He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

By reading through each of the letters the apostle wrote to the various churches we can find very different communities which needed different approaches to the same gospel. I would say from the words written to the church in Colossae, they were quite well versed in their philosophy and all things Phrygian. They seemed to take society strictly and the apostle had to reach them at their own level.

Each of our communities and the churches within them are different. We have quite different views on things and how they should be done in the village where I live. We can all agree on the fact Jesus Christ came in human form to offer salvation to everyone through shedding His blood on the cross. But, even in our church we have people who think differently to others.

I come from an engineering and scientific background so I try to make things well defined and work with the parameters offered. This does not always agree with others who would rather live life on the edge. But we are all under the same God and under the same offer of salvation from Christ!

Jesus was an is there from the beginning and will be, always. Our lives may come and go, governments and royalty change over time, but our God remains constant and always ready to listen and guide each one of us in our different ways we live. We don’t all have to be the same, just accept the one true God – simple!

Points to Ponder:
Who is your “boss”?

Do you always try to listen to God?