Tuesday 12 Sep 2023

September 12: Colossians 2:6-10

Key Verse: Colossians 2:8
See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.

Once you make the choice to believe in Christ the first few days/weeks can go either way… you may love the new found happiness and peace you have and thrive in it, or you may find it hard going because of your old life calling you back. Then, after a while, maybe even years, you get people around you trying to encourage you back into your old ways just because they don’t believe.

Life as a Christians is not going to be plain sailing. The evil one is going to plan all manner of things which will trip you up and he will encourage others to distract you from your faith in Christ. He will bring people into your life who will have arguments which sound like they could have ground; but they will be against God’s Word.

That is the one thing we have in our lives by which we can identify whether someone else is for or against God – whether what they do and say agree with God’s Word or not. We have so many traditions and habits in our lives which can go against God simply by looking at them another way and the evil one will use little things like that to try and dissuade your from following Christ.

The best way forward is to have Christ as the centre of your life because it is not us who have true power and authority over everything, but God through the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Points to Ponder:
Do you struggle with your Christians life at times?

Have you tried depending on Him more during those times?