Wednesday 13 Sep 2023

September 13: Isaiah 46:1-7

Key Verse: Isaiah 46:4
Even to your old age and grey hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.

The prophet Isaiah has a way of making you stop and think. There are so many things he has written down for us to feed on and to remember just how great our God is; this chapter being one of them! We can see this sentiment reflected in the New Testament as the disciples saw this in action when Jesus would drive demons and spirits out of people, the former being scared of Jesus!

God alone is the one who is going to continue looking out for us and caring for us no matter what life can and does throw at us. We may find it hard as we fight with life or with people around us, but God is always there and as long as we are willing to listen and obey, our outcome and life will be better!

We do tend to get things in our lives which we build up and start to depend on because we think they matter. The more we build them up the more we draw away from God because there cannot be more than one god in our lives which we follow. I know as a Christian I used to think I would never be counted as someone who following anything which I would think of as more important than God; but there have been times in my life when that has happened even without me realising it.

Keeping God in the centre of your life and as the most important part of your life is what counts. When we do that He will give us space for loving our partners and friends and family as much as we should – this is what I have grown to realise in my latter years!

Points to Ponder:
How close is God to the centre of your life?

Will you hold Him closer today?