Friday 22 Sep 2023

September 22: Luke 8:1-3

Key Verse: Luke 8:3
Joanna the wife of Chuza, the manager of Herod’s household; Susanna; and many others. These women were helping to support them out of their own means.

One of the things which society has left out of their recounting of the bible is the amount of women and partners who were involved with all stages of the events recorded in our bibles. Depictions of what Jesus looked like and the disciples are all more modern views of what people wanted to remember; but today we remember the great supporters in our lives!

Throw away the picture you have of 13 men walking around teaching the gospel and bring on a new picture in your mind. A group of people going around as a mobile church: a group made up of our Lord, 12 chosen men and many more who had been healed and helped who were now willing to give support back.

Our church needs to be made up of the leaders who are willing to share the gospel, the helpers who are willing to help with the day to day needs of the people and the people who are in need. Now, we are all in need at some stage, but how many of us are willing to step forward and pay back what we have received, not just from other people but from God too!

Now do you see the greater picture. This is not just about the people up front doing the talking, this is about a whole group of people who come together because they all need each other in some way – all aiming to be disciples in one form or another! Now you are seeing the truth about being a Christian!

Points to Ponder:
Are you wondering if you are part of the church?

If you are willing to come, you are part of Christ’s church!