Saturday 23 Sep 2023

September 23: 1 Timothy 6:13-16

Key Verse: 1 Timothy 6:14
to keep this command without spot or blame until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ

This letter to Timothy is one we should all be trying to accept into our own lives. The writer encourages Timothy to keep the Christian faith and to fight against all who try to go against God, to encourage those who need it and to support those who are finding it hard. These are simple things in our minds but make a big impact in the personal lives of those around us.

Confessing we are Christians and showing people we are living a different life, one filled with love, joy, peace and hope will encourage those around us to find out why things are different in our eyes. If we live as the world lives then we will be seen as being no different from everyone around us. To encourage people we need to show them we have more than we need in many ways which cannot always be defined by worldly measures.

We need to be strong and courageous to show we have the Holy Spirit guiding and protecting us in ways which the world will not be able to understand. This courage will allow the world to see we are different and may even make them question their own ways. When they do that, the Holy Spirit will be able to convince them in their own hearts there is a different life they can lead.

God alone is the King of Kings, Lord of Lords and He alone is the Light which should be seen to shine through our lives. Don’t try to lift yourself up into a high position but rather lift up Christ to allow people to see Him through you!

Points to Ponder:
Do you think you live a good life?

How much of Christ do people see through you?