Sunday 24 Sep 2023

September 24: Philippians 1:21-30

Key Verse: Philippians 1:22
If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labour for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know!

Something you don’t often have to think about when you are young is what is going to happen when you die, but as you grow older you begin to think more about what will happen. Now, being a Christians, we know we will be in a much better place with Christ in Heaven after we finish this life on earth… but what about the here and now?

Each of us has been given a life on earth with which we should be aiming to get the best out of it for Christ’s sake. Because we believe in Christ we are guaranteed a place in Heaven with God, but what about the people around us who do not yet know Christ? This life has been given us to do with it what we wish; this is because Christ loves us so much!

So how do we show our love for Christ during this life on earth? One way is to try to open other people around us to the faith we have and allow them to see what we are so happy about. We have this joy knowing we are ultimately safe. Other people may be concerned about what happens after they die; being able to show them we have a guaranteed place in Heaven may be enough to persuade them to seek Christ too.

Everything we do here on earth will count toward any reward we may see in Heaven and not just here on earth. Spread a little bit of your happiness and allow people to know they too can gain when they die if they seek and ultimately believe in Christ as well!

Points to Ponder:
Would you rather continue living or depart to be in Heaven?

Will you allow someone else to have that choice?