Friday 13 Oct 2023

October 13: Luke 11:24-26

Key Verse: Luke 11:25
When it arrives, it finds the house swept clean and put in order.

Sometimes we let our guard down because we are not expecting any trouble or issues, so when we do find an issue we are not prepared for it and things seem to fall apart. This could be seen as the same after a long-term illness when you have finally been given the go-ahead to leave the hospital and as soon as you go back into the world you seem to go down-hill again, but more so than before.

Our bodies need time to recover and become strong after an illness before we can get about what we used to see as our normal lives. The same is with our spiritual selves. If we have been struggling for a while and begin to understand things, it is no good racing forward thinking you can take on anything the evil one throws at you because your spiritual self has not had time to bolster itself against attacks.

God is the one who will lead us to the path of righteousness, but unless we are willing to stay on the path He has given us to become spiritually strong with Him then we may well ‘fall off the path.’ God wants us to be strong enough to help others too, but it takes time to identify the ways the evil one attacks us all before we can be fully prepared.

Spend time with God learning what He has to teach you so you can face to trial which are ahead; the evil one will not like you getting the better of his ways so you need to be fully prepared with Christ.

Points to Ponder:
Are you finding it difficult to move forward with Christ?

Will you allow Him to lead you instead of rushing ahead?