Saturday 14 Oct 2023

October 14: Luke 11:27-28

Key Verse: Luke 11:28
He replied, ‘Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.’

sometimes we cling to the wrong things to find comfort or strength, only to see things fall apart when we realise we have been grasping at straws instead of safety. When this woman blessed Mary the mother of Jesus, His reply was probably not expected: blessed are those who obey God!

When we look back on the earlier life of Mary we do see a young woman who listened to God and obeyed God; and we know she was blessed. We can see so many occurrences throughout the bible where we see people being blessed because they have listened to God and still more when the people have faced hardships because they have not listened to God. These words are there to teach and warn us just as these words from Jesus.

It is no good just hearing the Word of God. It is no good just listening to Jesus. It is no good just being a righteous person. We have to live with Christ and obey what He is trying to teach us. Only then can we truly move forward with Him in or lives.

When we are willing to read our bibles, listen to what God tells us, act on what we learn and obey Him, then we can find out so much more about the living kindness God has for us. We should not be doing this all for the reward but doing it because we grow to love God the same as He loves us. A true communion with God will see the blessing poured down on us: more than we can count.

Points to Ponder:
Do you expect a reward from God for following Him?

Will you try just giving and obeying?