Sunday 15 Oct 2023

October 15: Philippians 4:1-9

Key Verse: Philippians 4:7
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

I like to think the writer was thinking about the people who actually do the work behind the scenes in the churches when they started to write this portion of scripture. There are many people who do work endlessly doing the cleaning, organising and other seemingly small tasks behind the scenes and keep our churches running. I would personally like to lift up the wonderful volunteers we have who come in after hours to make sure our church is a welcoming and wonderful place of worship.

God is the one who is behind these people, the one who gives them the love and encouragement when many who go to church do not recognise all they do. We should be making sure we all look after these wonderful servants of Christ who willingly do so much hidden work.

When we do listen to Christ and learn of the love we should have for one another we will be the ones stepping forward and thanking these wonderful workers. We may even be one of the wonderful helpers when we see we are doing this for Christ and not as a ‘requirement.’

Christ is the one who will be looking out for those who give selflessly, help without measure and expect nothing in return. We know what we are going to have in Heaven so nothing on earth can ever measure up to that!

Points to Ponder:
How much do you contribute to your local church?

How much of that is time given doing things?