Friday 20 Oct 2023

October 20: Romans 4:1-8

Key Verse: Romans 4:8
Blessed is the one whose sin the Lord will never count against them.

When you are in a salaried position, you are getting paid because your employer is obligated to pay you for the work you do. Depending on your position and how your salary is paid, you may have to work harder to earn more. But just because you have been working at your position for a long time, you are not guaranteed of being promoted…

Fortunately our relationship with God means we do not have to do all the right things at the right time to make sure we get to Heaven. God wants to know you love Him and you trust Him; this is the measure of your faith. And, like in a position of an employee, you will get rewarded even if you do the minimum! But this does not mean we have to work for our place in heaven!

Our place with God is only dependant on our belief in Him and our faith He will do what He has said He will do. Abraham did not have to father many children to make sure his prophecy came to pass. He simply had to trust God to make it come to pass.

David saw this truth and wanted others to know. We can see this throughout the bible and so we should be willing to tell others of this faith we have in Christ; the faith in trusting Him to forgive our sins no matter what they are, just because we believe He can and will do it.

Points to Ponder:
Are you trying to make things happen?

Will you trust God and allow them to happen?