Saturday 21 Oct 2023

October 21: Luke 12:8-12

Key Verse: Luke 12:9
But whoever disowns me before others will be disowned before the angels of God.

God is very serious about the relationship He has with you; He does not take it lightly, and neither should we. His promise to us is He will acknowledge us before angels if we acknowledge Him before other people. But it goes further than that because He also promises to be our advocate and deliver us blameless before God if we trust Him.

When Jesus was telling the disciples they would have to face all manner of opposition just because they wanted to tell others about Him, He also reminded them they should trust in the Holy Spirit to guide them whenever they faced trials. The Holy Spirit will guide us forward into saying the right things and being able to tell of the truth. We don’t have to go to school to figure out what we have to say!

This does suppose you are willing to listen to the Holy Spirit for your guidance and not rely on what you have been taught to say by other people. If we only rely on what we learn through schools and universities, we will only go as far as the world will allow us to go through what we have learned. But if we are willing to be taught by higher powers, we will go further!

God wants us to continually rely on Him in every walk of life. This means our relationship with Him has to be ongoing and always at the front, not hidden behind the scenes. God wants us to be able to trust Him in any position we find ourselves in and not to only trust Him when we have exhausted our own ways!

Points to Ponder:
Do you try every which way to succeed before turning to God?

Will you turn to God before you try your own ways?